Košice with a tour guide


Košice is a city of galleries, museums and art. Art is everywhere in public space. Just look around and discover sculptures in the neighbourhoods or paintings on the facades of buildings. Let's open our eyes to contemporary art as well, but let's not miss the works that history has left in the capital of the East and shaped Košice. Go to the open-air gallery and breathe the atmosphere of our city. With experienced guides, you will learn more than you can google. Let us know which topic interests you and leave the rest to us...

Offer of tours

Hlavná Street - from the earliest history to the present day
Treasures of Košice - the most famous gems of the city
Košice at dusk - evening tour with unique atmosphere
Jewish community in Košice - historical monuments of Jewish culture
Personalities of Košice - who was born here, lived here, or visited Košice
Košice in legends and myths - interesting facts about the city passed down from generation to generation
Open-air gallery - the most famous graffiti in Košice
Bike tours in Košice - upstream on two wheels (with your own or rented bicycle)

Tour guides

Ing. Viola Vařeková
Languages: SK, RU, BG
Price: from 54€/h for max. 10 ppl., 84€/h for 11-20 ppl., 120€/h for 21-50 ppl.
Dr. Viera Nemčoková CSc.
Languages: SK, EN
Price: 80€/90 min for max. 10 ppl., 99€/90 min for 11-20 ppl., 130€/90 min for 21-50 ppl.
PhDr. Milan Kolcun
Languages: SK, EN, RU, ES
Price: 120€/h for unlimited number of ppl.
Mgr. Jakub Ackerman (Jewish Košice)
Languages: SK, EN
Price: from 75€/90 min for max. 20 ppl. (short route), from 100€/120 min for max. 20 ppl. (long route)
OLANSA Travel, s.r.o.
Languages: UK, RU
Price: from 84€/90 min for unlimited number of ppl.
Mgr. Timea Verešová, PhD.
Languages: SK, HU, EN
Price: from 68€/h for max. 30 ppl.

Additional information

We recommend to book your guided tour at least 24 hours in advance by filling in and sending the contact form, or in person at the Regional Information Point at Hlavná 48 in Košice.

The ideal duration of the guided tour is 90 minutes.

You can pay for the guided tour online in advance (we will send you instructions) or in person (by card or in cash) before the guided tour at the Regional Information Point at Hlavná 48 in Košice.

Entrance to the monuments is not included in the price.

We will arrange a meeting place with your guide and inform you about everything you need for a perfect experience.

Contact form

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Košice Región Turizmus
Cestovná agentúra
Prevádzka informačného Bodu:
Hlavná 48, 040 01 Košice
Sídlo organizácie:
Báčikova 7, 040 01 Košice
© 2013 - 2025 Košice Región Turizmus
Vytvorila BigWay.sk